【Akaya Telivigal】一种单一粗细的英文免费字体

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    Akaya是一种单一粗细的实验性字体,使用卡纳达语、泰卢固语和拉丁文字。Akaya Telivigala和Akaya Kanadaka是两个独立的字体文件,它们共享一个共同的拉丁语。





    Akaya is a single weight experimental display typeface in Kannada, Telugu and Latin scripts. Akaya Telivigala and Akaya Kanadaka are made as two separate font files which share a common Latin.

    About Akaya

    Telugu and Kannada scripts trace their origins to the highly stylised Kadamba script. Over the following centuries, these scripts were patronised by successive dynasties who reinterpreted this script several times. These interpretations were increasingly pragmatic in nature, stripping off structural complications to a great degree.

    This simplification was taken a step further by the early Christian missionaries who made the first lead types for these scripts. However, when they did this, they introduced a copperplate inspired stroke modulation to these characters which were largely monolinear in nature till then. The stroke modulations in these founts followed the horizontal axis. The letter shapes here were geometric and constructed. These early experiments by the missionaries remains the most widely accepted style and works well for text settings.

    When one looks around the hand-written Telugu or Kannada landscape today, found on book titles, graffiti or propaganda notices, a recurring calligraphic style is evident. This appears quite distinct from the rigid, formal text styles. The letters’ shapes here are more fluid and proportions more generous. The stroke modulations and the diagonal stress echo Latin calligraphy and work well for both Kannada and Telugu scripts. Akaya is based on this lively hand-written style.

    The letter shapes for Akaya experimented with reverse ductus, where each character is written with its stroke direction reversed to add fluidity. The same principle and contrast angle is applied in Akaya Latin, depending on the structure of the letter. This is forms the basis for its characteristic shapes.



资料1 资料2
https://github.com/vaishnavimurthy/Akaya-Telivigala https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Akaya+Telivigala



  • 字体屋收录的所有免费商用字体,在发布之前都经过多方仔细查证,但是,不排除版权方或字体作者某天又修改了授权许可,或者查证过程不小心有疏漏,所以,在实际商用时,建议联系版权方或字体作者再次核实,通过上面 “ 参考资料 ” 里面的链接一般都可以联系到版权方或者字体作者。
  • 注意1:部分免费商用字体,是否可以真正免费商用还存在一些争议;部分免费商用字体有平台限制;部分免费商用字体有时间限制;部分免费商用字体的免费商用范围太小或限制太多;部分免费商用字体的免费商用决心不足或不坚定;请慎重使用。对于上述这些部分免费商用字体,字体屋不会收录,以免误导。
  • 注意2:字体屋只收录可以找到资料来源的事实字体,参考资料的意义在于,指出字体的来源与出处,从而保障免费商用是客观真实的。
  • 注意3:字体屋对其所列之字体不拥有版权,字体版权归原作者所有。
  • 在挑选免费商用字体时,建议优先选择分类标签里的 “ 商用推荐 ” 字体,此标签下的字体都是根据 “ OFLCC0MITGPLApacheIPAGlyphWiki ” 协议发布的,这类字体有着明确清晰的授权协议,而且这些协议都是世界知名开源协议,这类字体的免费商用范围非常大、自由度非常高,所以商用安全性也非常高。
  • zi ti wu.Cn创建于2018年,是一个主要靠爱发电的免费商用字体收集整理网站,致力于让所有人都有免费商用字体使用、让所有人都能正确使用免费商用字体、让所有优秀的公益字体都能得到更有价值地传播,截至目前,甄选后收录的免费商用字体已超过550款,已累计吸引超700万用户。
  • 若觉得字体屋对工作学习有帮助,可分享给更多有需要的人,我们的网址是 “ www.zitiwu.cn ” ,有助于及时了解新字体地发布更新,还有机会获得更多免费商用素材与知识。
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